dxc technology (Demo)

#stpatstech #ptechaustralia #defencejobs

To meet the demands of Adelaide’s burgeoning Defence industry employers must be more hands-on in helping produce the next generation of workers, according to the global IT services company DXC Technology.

Today it was announced DXC Technology has joined with St Patrick’s Technical College in Northern Adelaide to help ensure there is a local supply of workers in the information technology and communication (ICT) industries for the future.

As part of the College’s P-TECH Australia program, DXC Technology will help mentor and guide students undertaking a TAFE SA Certificate IV in Information Technology studies at StPatsTech. This course is already supported by Saab Australia who have welcomed DXC Technology’s commitment to building the local workforce.

The course is the only one of its kind offered to Year 11 and 12 students and may lead directly to jobs in the defence sector post-Year 12.

DXC Technology Defence Capability Manager Stuart Swan said ICT would be in every part of the Defence industries and the opportunities were broad and far-reaching.

“There’s huge opportunities for today’s young people, especially in the senior secondary age group. They can really set themselves up for big careers in big organisations with the absolute mountain of opportunity in the Defence sector, let alone in the broader ICT sector in South Australia,’’ Mr Swan said.

“Here at DXC Technology we are looking at what skills we need for our business and what we can do to better support young people going into ICT careers. Vocational entry pathways, digital traineeships, apprenticeships and schools working closely with industry are all important initiatives.’’

Mr Swan said DXC Technology signed onto the St Patrick’s Technical College P-TECH Australia program because it offered the company an opportunity to directly engage with senior secondary students and was already working in the Defence sector.

StPatsTech Principal Danny Deptula welcomed DXC Technology to the College’s P-TECH Australia partnership. Already working with the school are defence contractors Century Engineering, PMB Defence and Saab Australia.

“DXC Technology is a fantastic addition to the P-TECH Australia team working with StPatsTech,’’ Mr Deptula said.

“The company has already taken on some of our students for work experience, so those connections and mentoring has begun for our current crop of Information Technology students.’’

Skilling Australia Foundation’s Northern Adelaide P-TECH Industry Liaison officer Toni Hartley said she was impressed with DXC Technology’s enthusiasm in supporting young workers.

“They have just been fantastic to work with. Once Stuart and HR Manager Leanne Jarvis heard about what we were doing so successfully with Saab Australia, they immediately put their hand up to be part of the program,’’ Ms Hartley said.

Leanne Jarvis from DXC Technology (centre) speaks with Rebecca Giovine from Saab Australia and SAF's Toni Hartley.
Leanne Jarvis from DXC Technology (centre) speaks with Rebecca Giovine from Saab Australia and SAF’s Toni Hartley.“They have just been fantastic to work with. Once Stuart and HR Manager Leanne Jarvis heard about what we were doing so successfully with Saab Australia, they immediately put their hand up to be part of the program,’’ Ms Hartley said.

“Seeing such strong industry support for the Australia Government’s $5.1 million P-TECH Australia program means we are on the right track. We want to see more young people take a look at what StPatsTech is doing in this space and get on board in Year 11 for careers straight out of senior secondary school.’’

Enrolments are now open for the StPatsTech Information Technology course in 2019. StPatsTech College is a specialist trade and training senior secondary school which has helped more than 870 teenagers into an apprenticeship or traineeship since 2007.